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Thursday, September 16, 2010

I will update this list as often as I can so that you will be able to easily see what time slots are empty!   Please click on the comment section to leave me a message on what time you would like to be entered into.  We would LOVE to have more than one person per time slot!!

Pre-surgery:  Michelle Lyon,  Ben Hawkinson, Julie Chatterton, Olivia Arnoult, Allison Cosper, Michelle Tisdale, Debra Magee, Hannah Redder,
Nancy Schanne,

 9:00:  DeeAnn Yates,  Michelle Long, 
           Denise Jackson
 9:15:  Gena Bothe, Tracy Korte
 9:30:  Kristi Soderlund, Rachel McFarland
 9:45:  Kelli Edwards, Kendall Love
10:00:  Connie Malpass, Amy Chesson
10:15:  Stacie Ward, Cathie Zdanio
10:30:  Carol Christ, The Cline Family
10:45  Nicci Peters, Patty Saxon
11:00:  Lori Cavin, Amanda McBroom
11:15:  Steph Wisely, Carrie
11:30:  Ann Cole, Ann Cole
11:45:  Peggy Aun, Lynn Privette
12:00:  Randy & Sandy McClure, Heidi Adams
12:15:  Michelle Lyon, Christine Schuver
12:30:  Ginny Hays, Lourdes Tepper
12:45:  Lannae Johnson, ______________
1:00:  Nicole Hawkinson, Haley Frick
1:15:  Jodi Loecke, Emily Renfroe
1:30:  Randy Odell, ______________
1:45:  Heather Mattingly, ______________
2:00:  Stacy Cosby, ______________
2:15:  Minda Schafer, Gina Janvrin
2:30:  April Worley, Patty Adams
2:45:  Susan Hooker
3:00:  Ashley Hooker, Mandy Harper


  1. I'll take 9!
    thanks DeAnn Yates

  2. I will be happy to take 9:15.
    Gena Bothe

  3. Hi Nicole! I am Connie Malpass a friend of Kathy's. I would like to be added to the 10:00 prayer log. I will continue to pray for Kathy up to this day. I know she will do fine with the prayers and love from her family and friends. Thank you for coordinating this for her.

  4. I will take 1:30PM. Randy Odell

  5. Put me down for 2:00 spot! Staci Cosby.

  6. Please put me down for 9:30. Thanks! Kristi Soderlund

  7. 11:45 Peggy Aun

    Peace be with you Kathy!

  8. Please put me down for 2:15. All my love, Minda Schafer

  9. Put me down for the 1:45 spot. Thanks for putting this together Nicole. Kathy is so blessed with you as a friend! Heather Mattingly

  10. Please put me down for 1:15! Thanks, Jodi Loecke

  11. Please put me in the 12:30 time slot to pray for Kathy. We love you, Kathy. Ginny Hays, Hartsville, SC.

  12. Please put me down for 9:45 - Kelli Edwards

  13. I will be teaching during the times listed but, I will pray in the morning from 6:30-6:45. Ever since I was a little girl, I have used Joshua 1:9 when I need courage. Kathy, I am praying for courage for you and your sweet family. Joshua 1:9 says "Have not I commanded you? Be strong and of good courage. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed. For the Lord, your (insert your name here) God is with you wherever you go." We love you!
    Praying for you!
    Ashley Metz

  14. I'll take 12:15
    Michelle Lyon
    Praying those Scriptures over you - FRIEND!!

  15. Hi Kathy! I am so going to be praying all day. I am setting it aside. I will also sign up for 10:30 to be in the chain of warriors! I am very proud of you as our teacher that you are opening yourself up to the true ministry of the Church - way to go and thank you so! Deep calm to you my sister because of your confidence in the heart of our God! Love, Carol Christ

  16. Nicci Peters will do 10:45. (and my family will do the bedtime prayers shift too!)

  17. My name is Lori Cavin. I am Kathy's neighbor. I will take 11:00!

  18. Roy and Sandy McClure will take the 12:00pm slot. We love you Kathy

  19. I would like to take the 12:45 spot if still available. (Lannae Johnson)

  20. April Worley will take the 2:30 time slot. Thanks. Love you Kathy.

  21. Olivia Arnoult----I will take the 2:30 slot. May God bring you peace and strength during this time. And also to your family

  22. Hey wonderful Kathy! I can take the 11:30 time. Will be praying for you and your family. Sending you lots of love, Ann Cole

  23. I would love to take the 11:15 slot. You are and your family are already in my prayers. Love, Steph Wisely

  24. I will pray during pre-surgery. I love you Kathy.

  25. I will pray during pre-surgery. I love you Kathy.
    Debra Magee

  26. I'll ask my class to pray with me during homeroom, around 8:15. Get well soon Mrs. Linder! Love, Hannah Redder

  27. I am truly blessed. Love to you all.

  28. I would love to be in the 9am slot. God Bless you Kathy!
    Michelle Long

  29. Kathy,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I'd like to pray for you on my way to school that day (7:30)!

    Allison Cosper

  30. Hi Kathy:
    My prayers are already being lifted up for you and your family!
    Will take the 2:45 slot.
    God bless you real good, all over!!!!!!!
    Love you,
    Susan Hooker

  31. Hi Kathy,
    It was wonderful seeing you today- you looked so wonderful and uplifted! I would love to share the 9:30 spot with Kristi Soderlund. She and I will pray for everyone involved during that time! Love you!
    Rachel McFarland

  32. Kathy, not sure if u remember me, I am Asley, Amy and Alexis Hooker's mom. I remember u from when u and ur family would come to Ft Myers Bch. I will be praying, please put me for 3:00. Also, I will add u to our prayer list at church so that u will be raised up in prayer to the Lord. Keep that beautiful spirit u have!

  33. Kathy,

    I'll be praying for you all day and each day up to but, put me down for the 12:00 spot in particular. Love you and the girls so much! You are such a strong and amazing lady, God bless you.
    Love, Heidi Adams

  34. Please put me down for 9:45. Kathy, I will be at at a women's bible study during this time and we will pray for you. He is the Great Physician and I know will take great care of you.
    Love you and yours,
    Kendall Love

  35. Nicole, thank you for coordinating this. Please put me down for 9:15.

    I've already started praying for you, Kathy!
    Love, Tracy Korte

  36. Nicole, will you please put me down for 1 o'clock. Kathy we love you and know that God has a plan and purpose in All this! A verse that helped me through touch times was one that I see you already have...Prov.3:5-6.
    Haley Frick

  37. Please add my name to 11:45. I have already started praying for you.

    Lynn Privette

  38. Kathy,
    I have been praying for you every day....I will also be praying for you before, during and after your surgery. I will be at work but will have you on my mind all day!!! I love you so much and know all of this will be over soon. I wish that I could be with you again like i was in Colorado. That was such a blessing in my life. Blessings.....Nancy Schanne

  39. I will continue to pray for you daily Kathy, but I would be honored to say a special prayer for you at 11. Your positive attitude is inspiring and amazing, and I will be thinking of you and your family! Much love to you all!
    Amanda McBroom

  40. Hi Kathy,
    Myself and about 30 other moms will pray for you at 9:15am. I will pray for you throughout the day and the days to come. Love ya, Jeannie Williams

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. Kathy,

    I will be praying for you daily, as well as a special prayer at 2:30 on Wednesday. You are such an amazing person, and a ray of sunshine. Much love to you and your family. Patty Adams

  43. I will pray for you during the day tomorrow. Put me down during the 10:15 slot, where I will specifically pray through these verses you are claiming.

    Little Cathie (Cathie Zdanio)

  44. Please add me to 10:00. Love and miss you Kathy. Jason and I will be praying you and your family. Amy Chesson

  45. Hi Nicole, I'll take 1:15pm. I will be in the car on my way to Galena (not driving) for a Leadership Conference. Perfect time for me to take some time for Kathy! Much Love, Emily Renfroe

  46. Kathy,
    The Harper family is praying for you. Please know if you or your family needs anything, we are here! Please put me down for 3 pm.
    Mandy Harper

  47. Hi Nicole,
    Please put me down for 12:15 to pray for Kathy.
    Christine Schuver

  48. Please put The Cline Family down for 10:30 and 10:45. Thanks!!
    Ginger Cline
    ps- I may begin a little early, like in tonight!!
    (sorry my last post a few days ago did not go through!)

  49. Love you all!

  50. Hoping this post goes through . . . we prayed for you in our small group yesterday and will continue to do so. I have your name in a special spot on my desk so every time I see it, I say a little prayer for you and yours. Put me down for the 10:45 slot. Much love, Patsy Saxon

  51. I am praying all day but put me down for 2:15. Much love to Kathy & Willie! ~Gina Janvrin

  52. Praying throughout the day every time you pop into my head!! Kathy, you are so loved!


  53. Kathy has been on my mind and in my prayers. Put me down for 11:15 AM.


  54. I'm praying now.
    sharon shearouse

  55. Oh yes, yea God! Congratulation Kathy and Willie. I will continue to pray for quick thorough healing. I will also pray for strength for both of you. Peace of course for you all. I am so thankful and elated!
    love ya,

  56. Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers! Kathy was able to get up and take a couple of steps last night. She was up most of last night due mostly to having slept most of yesterday and being checked every 2 hours. She was comfortablely bored but had a great nursing staff that came in and spent time with her. Her doctor came in this morning and he was still very elated with how well everything went. He commented again that he'd like to use Kathy's prayer warriors next week. He reiterated that he removed the sizeable cyst and everything looked clean. The plan today is that she needs to continue to increase her fluid intake and start going for short walks. She would love to see some smiling faces. Thanks again to everyone's love and prayers. You guys are awesome!!!!

  57. Kathy,

    I'm sorry my post didn't go through a couple of days ago, but I hope this one does. I prayed for you at 10am on the day of your surgery; and later, I saw the wonderful news from Willie that your surgery was a success. I am praising God and rejoicing for you, Willie, and the girls. I hope you remain "comfortabley bored" - a good thing I guess. I wish I could visit but I send long-distance love.

  58. Friday was a rough day with nausea but got under control in the early evening. She was finally able to drink some broth and visit a little with Heather who stayed the night (thanks Heather)! She is resting this morning! The girls are really missing having mom at home!

  59. Kathy,
    We are thrilled to hear that your surgery went so well. Our prayers are with you and your family as you recover. I could not get my comment to go through before surgery, but I was praying just the same. God Bless You!
    Bonnie Hamilton


Please leave your name and time you will be praying. You can scroll down and leave it under Anonymous on the pull down chart below.
Email me at if you have any questions.